More for the Agency
4 February 2017 News
More processes and links have been added for Agencies
Within BackOffice new Agency Rebate processes have been added. BackOffice will automatically calculate fixed fee or variable fee rebates to give to Agencies based on Contractor hours. These values appear in the Create Agency Invoice screen to be placed on the same or separate invoice from the normal sales invoice. As Agency Schemes are placed at the Contractor level and can be altered in bulk, this adds to the flexibility offered in Agency charges
The Agency Portal now has had more functions added to it. In this release, these are specifically:
Search and Edit Active (working for the Agency now), Non-Active (they have worked for that Agency at some point) and Pending (input by the Agency awaiting approval by you) Contractors.
Add Quick Entry timesheets from stored spreadsheets
Produce timesheet entries based on stored repeating timesheets
View invoice entries by Contractor
There are other changes in this update to cover highlighting and processing Zero Fees charged to Contractors, forcing 0T tax codes into QTAC and the addition of two more payslip layouts