The Agency is your Customer. It is where you send invoices and it is where Contractors have Assignments.

There is so much more you can configure and see with an Agency than can be written here. As part of the standard setup, you can set your Agency to make use of a specific invoice layout; to provide a default fee scheme to Contractors; to automatically add Employers NIC charges or Agency Fees to invoices; for the invoice to be sent by email and to post invoices to a particular Sage50 nominal account. 

The Agency (through the Agency portal) or the internal user can add documents supporting your unique business relationship with that Agency. An internal user can add documents that can be seen by every Agency, supporting the general business relationship. You can setup multiple Agency branches as additional addresses to one Agency record or these relationships can be set as multiple unique Agencies

A contractor can work with any Agency in the database. With Assignment references, the system will record linked work periods towards your AWR counter. The system can be set to send alerts and reminders when Contractors are getting close to the 12weeks

Throughout the system, you can limit reports, viewable listings and other features by Agency, supporting efficient processing.  You can bill one Agency across multiple Companies, thereby combining different Contractor tax treatments or private internal company structures onto one invoice. To further support your Agency customer, there is a simple process for creating HMRC Intermediary Reports, with an option to email the created csv file directly to your Agency to support their direct online HMRC submission

If you activate the Agency Portal, then many processes are opened up to the Agency online – adding timesheets, adding contractors, pulling off invoices and documents. You can even limit particular Contractors to particular Agency logins, so the South branch only sees it’s own Contractors

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